Melissa López Díaz
Special of Counsel

- Education
Practice Area(s)
- - Labor and Employment Law
- - Civil Litigation
- - Educational Law
- - Emmanuel College, Massachussetts (B.S. Management, magna cum laude, 1996)
- - University of Puerto Rico (J.D., 2002)
Ms. Melissa López-Díaz is an Non-Equity Partner with the Firm’s Educational Law & General Civil Law Department. She is a member of the Firm’s Strategic Planning Committee. Ms. López-Díaz practice includes general civil litigation, concentrating in constitutional law, torts, labor law and administrative proceedings. She also provides counseling and representation to several clients in all kind of civil litigation procedures, including appellate procedures and writs of certiorari to the Puerto Rico Appellate Court and the Puerto Rico Supreme Court. In addition, Ms. López-Díaz has represented, with favorable results, local private universities and higher-learning institutions. Upon joining the Firm in 2003, Ms. López-Díaz participated in representing major international pharmaceutical companies in complex litigation before the federal courts, where she was exposed to local and federal laws and regulations on product liability claims.